Microblading is a cosmetic procedure that is almost similar to getting a tattoo in any part of the skin. However, such a procedure entails a more meticulous process since it involves eyebrows, which is a part of the face that can significantly make or break your look. But is it right for you? Read further to find out.

1. It uses a microblade pen to insert pigments.

This procedure is done with the use of a microblade tool for making micro incisions that create tiny cuts on the surface of the skin where eyebrows sit. This microblading tool is also used for inserting medical grade pigment.

These pigments will look like real eyebrows. These blades or needles make implanting featherweight strokes so much easier. Measuring calipers are also used in order to draw eyebrows that have perfect symmetry.

2. It entails several processes.

The first part of the microblading process would involve choosing that perfect color that will match with your natural hair and skin color. The next process would be cleaning and numbing your eyebrows to prepare it for the treatment.

Instead of using a tattoo machine, a microblade pen will be used to draw hair like strokes. The final step may involve the application of a specific cream that helps your eyebrows to heal.

3. It’s not absolutely pain-free.

The microblading procedure may last for about two hours and it may not cause much pain due to the use of a numbing cream. But this cream doesn’t guarantee a completely pain-free procedure. The pain can be mild or it may also depend on your personal pain threshold.

Women who went through microblading will experience discomfort several days post-treatment. During the first three days after the procedure, your eyebrows will feel cut and bruised. You will also experience tenderness, mild bleeding, swelling and redness. On the fourth day, these side effects should subside.

4. It’s not recommended for everyone.

Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding are not advised to undergo this procedure. Those who had isotretinoin treatment in the last six months are not advised to undergo microblading.

It is also not recommended for people who are taking blood thinners, have compromised immune systems such as those who are suffering from frontal fibrosing and lupus.

If you are going through cancer treatment, microblading would not be good for you. This procedure is also not recommended for individuals with sunburn, pimples or wounds on eyebrows and those who have just gone through laser treatment or chemical peels.

5. Its results vary depending on your skin type.

Microblading can be beneficial for all people regardless of skin type. However, those who have drier skin may tend to retain the pigment longer than those with oily skin type. Dry skin enables strokes to be crisper than oily skin.

But oily skin makes the eyebrows a little softer, less crisp and may last for up to one year. Women who have normal skin will most likely find their microbladed eyebrows to last for about 18 months or longer. However, these microbladed eyebrows will eventually fade away thus the need to undergo top ups every year or every 18 months.

6. It does not prevent natural hair from growing.

If performed with much precision, microblading will not affect hair growth at all. This is because the procedure does not affect the dermis layer of the skin. The dermis is where the hair follicles can be found.

So, if done by an expert, you can rest assured that your hair follicles will not be adversely affected during the entire procedure. For some people, the procedure stimulates hair growth which is good news if you’re looking to have fuller eyebrows.

7. Gaps in between Eyebrows Can Be Eliminated

Some people do find their eyebrows to naturally have gaps. This is the area where hair doesn’t grow or is thinner than the rest of the eyebrows.

With microblading, these gaps will no longer be noticeable as these will be filled with pigments that look similar to your existing eyebrows. The process of microblading these gaps will be meticulously done that other people will not be able to tell that it is not real hair.

8. It can pose some risks.

The moment you submit yourself for a microblading procedure, be prepared to suffer from the risks. Since microblading is a bit invasive, the risk of infections cannot be ignored.

If the tools and equipment used are not properly sterilized, chances are high that the spread of bacteria may occur. Think about hepatitis, herpes and HIV. There is no guarantee that you will be one hundred percent safe from infections.

9. It should be done by a professional.

Note that the color pigments used in microblading are not fully approved by the FDA. This is because microblading is still in its infancy. This is why you have to make sure that it is done by a professional who already has a proven track record of exemplary performance in the field of cosmetic procedures.

All the procedures must be done in a completely clean and sterile environment to significantly lower one’s risk of getting infections.

10. It requires a lot of post-care.

Microbladed eyebrows warrant plenty of after-care instructions. For the first ten days, you have to keep your eyebrows dry so that the pigment applied on your eyebrows will not be washed off. So, this would mean you have to cover your face when showering and ensure that it does not get wet.

Avoid sweating since this can also make your eyebrows wet. See to it that your hair doesn’t get in the way of your eyebrows. Avoid swimming, wearing makeup or saunas for the first week post treatment.

Microblading can be a totally life-changing experience. This is because how you look can have a huge impact on your self-esteem and confidence. This is why whenever you think about microblading, never settle for just anybody to do it for you. Be ready to pay a hefty amount to have it done by an expert and reduce your risks of side effects.

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Nicola is always on the lookout for the best beauty tools and skincare products. She believes in "prevention is better than cure" so she is always trying to perfect her beauty routine to avoid premature aging. Fun fact about Nicola: She owns a lot of sunscreens as she carries a mini sunscreen in each of her handbags and backpacks.