You’ve just walked up and down the streets of Sydney with a full-on makeup as your battle gear. But the day has ended and now you’re ready to just have a good night’s sleep. Before you do that though – every inch of your makeup should be removed to guarantee healthy skin the next day. And here’s how:

1. Ponytail it Up

Start by making sure your hairline is clear and visible. You don’t want to miss a spot during this whole makeup removal ordeal.

2. Soap and Water

Look, your cosmetics probably cost an arm and a leg already. Do you really need an expensive item to remove them as well? For most women, the answer is NO.

If you use light makeup and stick to water-soluble products, the good ole’ combination of soap and water will do just as well. Try using a cleanser brush for the job for a gentle facial massage. Pat your face dry and that’s it.

3. Soak it, Don’t Wipe

Of course, the soap and water doesn’t always work. Let’s say you use waterproof mascara or waterproof anything on your face. The best way to do this is by using oil-based cleansers.

Grab your cotton pad, wet it with the cleanser, and just place it on top of your eyelids for a few minutes. Once the mascara has softened, you can gently wipe.

This will help prevent any irritation on the skin plus it will actually be faster. This also works for waterproof lipstick.

4. Use a Cotton Bud

A common problem area for women would be just the tip of the lashes where makeup tends to coagulate. To resolve this, dip your cotton bud in the makeup remove and gently swipe. Yes, it’s going to take some time because well, your application took some time, too.

5. Tone It and Moisturise

After clearing your skin of the makeup, you’re actually opening it up for moisture loss. This is why professionals recommend using a toner as soon as you’re done – just to make sure there’s no unnecessary loss of water.

Once done – grab your moisturiser and do some application. This will help buff out any stress your skin might have gone through thanks to the cosmetics.

6. Removing Make Up For Sensitive Skin

Of course, not everyone who removes their makeup is greeted by clear and plump skin. Unfortunately, there are some bumps and marks on the face that the cosmetics may have hidden – but are now in plain sight.

In order to effectively remove makeup while still keeping your skin protected, a salicylic-based cleanser is often best. This will remove any bacteria that might be lounging around in the vicinity, leaving you with a clear skin that’s devoid of any possible foreign object.

To wrap it up – makeup removers, like makeup themselves, need to be chosen based on your skin type. Don’t be afraid to do a little digging and spend a little bit of time for your “removing makeup” routine to assure a healthy skin after all the application.

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Nicola is always on the lookout for the best beauty tools and skincare products. She believes in "prevention is better than cure" so she is always trying to perfect her beauty routine to avoid premature aging. Fun fact about Nicola: She owns a lot of sunscreens as she carries a mini sunscreen in each of her handbags and backpacks.