Lighter hair colour has always been on-trend no matter what the year is but just recently there has been a new trend involving a different set of hair.

You guessed it, it’s the eyebrows. Lighter eyebrows make sense especially if you are planning on getting a lighter hair colour. It also gives a softer look to your face as compared to dark and bushy brows.

Bleaching vs. Lightening

Before you decide to lighten your eyebrows, you should know that this is different from bleaching.

Bleaching involves removing the colour from your eyebrows while lightening only makes your original eyebrow colour a few shades lighter.

While bleaching is great for those who want to show a bold statement, not everyone is comfortable with that kind of change.

6 Tips to Lighten Your Eyebrows On Your Own

1. Trim and clean your eyebrows

Whether you are using bleach or makeup, make sure that your brows are trimmed and cleaned. In this way, it is better to apply your lightening products to achieve a more put-together look. You can also save a lot of products (both bleach and makeup) if you have less hair to handle.

2. Use a cream bleach kit

There are cream bleach kits that are sold in stores. Make sure that the bleach you buy can be used on the face as these products are often gentler on the skin.

If your face is sensitive and bleach is not an option, you can use natural ingredients like honey or lemon juice.

3. …or you can use a light eyebrow pencil and brow gel

Nonetheless, there is no substitute for just using makeup. With makeup, you don’t have to worry about going a lot of shades lighter only to realise that there is no turning back when you achieve this colour.

Besides, if you aren’t contented with the makeup shade on your brows, you can just wipe it off and apply a different shade.

4. Use petroleum jelly to keep chemicals at bay

If you are using bleach, make sure to apply petroleum jelly on the area surrounding your eyebrows.

In this way, you shield these parts from the chemicals found in the bleach. You can also use petroleum jelly or any moisturiser once you are finished bleaching your eyebrows.

5. Pay attention to the time

Again, if you are using bleach, you should know that your hair colour will lighten the longer the bleach stays on your brows.

So if you only want to lighten it 2-3 shades, then just let it stay for around 2 minutes. If the shade is still darker than you want, you can apply again and leave it on for a minute.

6. Don’t use a lot of bleach

At the end of the day, it is better to have your natural eyebrow color than risking bleach to go into your eyes.

But if you must insist, make sure that you don’t pour or scoop too much bleach onto your eyebrows. Just use enough to coat your brows to make sure they don’t move down and into your eyes.

Hope the tips above will help you to lighten your eyebrows. If you prefer to darken your eyebrow, you can check out this article instead.

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Nicola is always on the lookout for the best beauty tools and skincare products. She believes in "prevention is better than cure" so she is always trying to perfect her beauty routine to avoid premature aging. Fun fact about Nicola: She owns a lot of sunscreens as she carries a mini sunscreen in each of her handbags and backpacks.