Colouring hair is a fun, creative process that is almost inevitable. However, dyed hair is vulnerable to dryness due to chemicals used. In extreme cases, dry coloured hair leads to breakage.

But there are hair care tips you can follow that will help keep your dyed hair and healthy, so you can enjoy the beauty of your hair colour indefinitely. Read on to learn helpful ways.

1. Wash Less Often

Shampoo cleans hair by trapping oils. There’s no standard rule as to the frequency of shampooing your hair. But experts recommend reducing the number to twice in a week when your hair is dry.

However, when your hair is naturally oily and remains so even after dyeing, you can wash your hair with shampoo every other day.

2. Shower with Lukewarm Water

The last thing you want to happen to your dyed hair is to strip off its colour. You don’t want to re-colour your hair with only a short gap from the recent one.

You can use a special shampoo that protects hair colour and choose to shower with lukewarm water. The temperature change in your typical hot-and-cold shower allows hair cuticles to open and lose colour when shampooing and conditioning.

3. Rinse with Vinegar

This sounds a bit off but you should try the magic of vinegar, which keeps your hair shiny and silky. Vinegar helps strengthen hair and keep it shiny by reducing the hair pH. This effective method has been used since the ancient times.

You can skip the conditioner once in a while and rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar or any other variant after shampooing. Try mixing it with a tablespoon of honey to taper down its acidic smell.

4. Schedule a Hair Mask

Dyeing your hair comes with the responsibility of nourishing it. Moisturise your hair with a protein hair mask. Do it regularly, say weekly or twice in a week. You can buy a ready-made hair mask or create your own.

Simply mix one egg with two tablespoons of mayonnaise and apply the mixture from roots to tips. Hair masks usually take 15 to 20 minutes for them to be effective.

5. Take Hair Supplements

Nourishment should be done from inside out. There are many hair supplements available in the market nowadays; some are even organic.

Commonly, hair supplements contain Vitamin C and E that help fight free radicals contributing to hair and scalp damage. They also contain biotin and zinc that aid in hair growth and prevents hair loss.

6. Reduce Heating

Heat exposure contributes to moisture loss and hence hair damage. Try reducing blow dry, curling, and straightening if your dyed hair is already dry and brittle. You don’t want to lose all of your locks as what sometimes happens in extreme cases.

Lastly, pick the right shampoo and conditioner. Use sulphate-free products as sulphate decreases moisture and fades away your treasured hair colour.

Choose hair products that are specifically for dyed hair. Often, they are extra nourishing and have colour protection properties.

Beauty comes with extra care. For your dyed hair, follow these practical ways to effectively keep it radiant and healthy.

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Nicola is always on the lookout for the best beauty tools and skincare products. She believes in "prevention is better than cure" so she is always trying to perfect her beauty routine to avoid premature aging. Fun fact about Nicola: She owns a lot of sunscreens as she carries a mini sunscreen in each of her handbags and backpacks.